Wednesday, December 9, 2015

So...Can I borrow $929?

Great Caesar's Ghost! Would you look at this thing??!

I don't play a lot of video games, but I did get the first three of the Arkham series. I was very much looking forward to seeing Deathstroke in Arkham Origins and thought they did a good job introducing him (and hinting at a larger role down the road in the "post-credit scene").

The blog so far has been about the character's comic book appearances, for the most part, but I have begun building pages specific to action figures and his various video game appearances too. That will include comic book versions of the Arkham games.

But this guy is so awesome, he can't wait for my slow ass to be done page-building. Feast your eyes on this 30-inch bad boy.  

Downside: He'll cost you a cool grand and the interchangeable arm holding the Batman cowl is only included with an "exclusive" edition, limited to 750 pieces. There will be 1500 of the regular edition.

More details, and photography, on this page (which, mind you, gets the standard edition count wrong at the top of the page).

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