I think the first issue of Titans I bought was #13, so I missed Deathstroke's (at right) debut by a year. However, I saw a French compilation of the series' first two issues in a store in Québec and made sure to grab that. So even though he spoke French, I was introduced to Deathstroke and immediately became a fan. I couldn't wait to see more of this mysterious badass!
A few years later, I gave up on comics altogether. I forget why, though a combination of poor quality of available books and personal financial struggles sounds plausible. I was in the middle of my college years and struggling to get by.
But a stroll through a shopping mall convenience store revealed a huge surprise. Deathstroke The Terminator had been given his own series! Written by his co-creator, no less. No way I was going to pass that up!
I didn't buy many comics, but I made damn sure to get that one, and pretty well everything in which Deathstroke appeared.
While I'm most interested in the comic book version, Deathstroke's inclusion in the Arkham series of video games, episodes of Arrow (which I admit I've seen little of) and in the upcoming (as I write this) Suicide Squad movie have revived my interest in the character. So I'm digging up my collections, refreshing my memory, looking for gaps and closing them. Anyone who shares an interest in the character, or is just finding out about him now, is welcomed to come along.
Oh, one last thing: As unimaginative as the name of the this blog may be, it came from the letters page in volume one so at least it has a historical precedent.
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