Friday, December 11, 2015

Arkham Knight #5 Solicitation

Just as I mention that I want to provide more detail about the Arkhamverse version of Deathtroke, he shows up in Arkham Knight Genesis #5, set to be released on December 16th. Get a load of this cover:

How did the Arkham Knight, once a penniless criminal, amass hundreds of tanks and a veritable army of mercenaries to take down the Caped Crusader? With the help of the world’s most dangerous assassin: Deathstroke the Terminator!
But of course!

The game will probably be a Christmas present for me so I'm avoiding any and all material related to it for the time being but I can't wait to dive in face first.

It doesn't appear as though 'stroke is involved in the sixth (and final) issue of the mini-series. DC's March solicitations should be available next week so we'll see where else he pops up.

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