Thursday, March 14, 2019

Esai Morales is your Titans Deathstroke

We've known for a while that Deathstroke would appear in the Titans TV show but we finally know who will bring him to life in this incarnation. 56-year old veteran of virtually every cop show ever made (but most prominently NYPD Blue) Esai Morales has the honours.

This works for me. I have no doubt that Morales will be able to look sophisticated and/or bad ass, depending on what the situation calls for. I've already come across comments online about how he's not menacing enough and that sort of thing but I don't buy it.

For the sake of interest, here’s Titans’ official description for Deathstroke:
“Slade Wilson is known for being DC’s deadliest assassin. While serving his country, Slade became an elite soldier before government testing enhanced his physiology to near superhuman levels, putting him on a path of darkness and revenge. To his family, Slade is a father and husband, but to the rest of the world, he is feared by many as the infamous Deathstroke; selling his services to the highest bidder as the ruthless assassin that never gives up and never misses.”
Father and husband, well...By definition, that's certainly true. I know the show is not about him but if his kids also show up as rumoured I hope we get a glimpse of his dysfunctional that clan is.

I don't know how accurate this is but IMDB currently has Morales appearing in episode 2.1 of Titans.

Apparently this news was first announced by Deadline.

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