Sunday, December 10, 2017

That Time Deathstroke Appeared In A Justice League Film

Long story short, my sister-in-law had been whoring Netflix to my wife and I as though her entire livelihood depended on it. We didn't want to spend yet more time in front of a TV but she wore us down. We eventually gave up and accepted when we moved into our new place this past summer.

To be honest, I've found little on there that interests me. But for a kick I took the time to watch Justice League: Attack of The Legion Of Doom and got a pleasant surprise when Deathstroke showed up to audition for a spot in the Legion.

There was no reason to believe that Deathstroke might appear in this animated film, let alone that he would be so bad ass (well, right up until the final few seconds). Little did I know. Apparently he also shows up in Justice League vs Bizarro League under mental control by Gorilla Grodd. He is among a group of villains tasked with stealing a...crate of bananas.

Okay, that's completely ridiculous but I totally have to track that down.

Maybe Netflix doesn't suck after all...

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