Monday, July 11, 2016

Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues, Deathstroke label

"The Greatest Team-Ups That Never Happened...But Should Have!"

Ross Pearsall has been displaying mock covers for team-up books combining characters from not only the DC and Marvel stables, but also a number of independent publishers, since 2010. If you're any kind of comics fan, they are a blast to browse.  And of course, photogenic bastard that he is, Slade Wilson has made a few appearances over the years. Here's one notable one below.

A recent appearance by Deathstroke inspired me to direct folks to Ross' blog, but because it showed  'stroke getting beat by a scrub like Taskmaster, I refuse to display that specific image here. ;-)

You can check it out for yourself, and the other times that Deathstroke has been features, here. Warning: Content may be addictive. 

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