Sunday, July 24, 2016

Deathstroke Would Kill Chickens

That is one of many things I learned from the interview below. Russ Burlingame chatted with Deathstroke writer (as of Rebirth) Christopher Priest for and the enlightening results are below.

I didn't copy the whole interview, so click the link above to get the rest of the details and to solve the mystery of the chicken-based post title.

The image below was included in a Newsarama gallery about preview art revealed during San Diego Comic Con but unfortunately, I was unable to locate any details about it.  Still, it continues to suggest, as do Mr. Priest's comments, that Deathstroke's fans are in for the best material to be made available about this character in quite some time. Read on.

What drew you to Deathstroke?

Nothing. I was minding my business, and Marie Javin from DC e-mailed me about Deathstroke. I went "Deathstroke?" It took me a minute but I had to go, "Isn't he that guy who fights the Teen Titans?" She goes, "Yeah." And I go, "He has his own book?" "For a long time now." I knew nothing. So I said, "Send me some of that and I'll look at it." I looked at The New 52 stuff and I looked at some stuff prior to and I got in contact with her and said, "I appreciate you thinking of me, but I can't write this."

And she said, "We're doing this 'Rebirth' thing, so if you were writing Deathstroke what would you do?" And I said that it would be interesting to me if I could do something introspective. Kind of "behind the mask," you know? Get inside his head a little and kind of treat him the way we treated Black Panther in a lot of ways, where people are speculating about his motives and what he's going to do, and he's always one step ahead of everybody.


You've done some work with antiheroes in the past; do you ever worry about retreading old ground?

Coming back into the business is a little scary because I haven't written an ongoing series in a long time. So there's some nervousness about failure; there's some flopsweat going on.

As far as retreading things, the Deathstroke series is unlike anything I've done before. The only similarities between Deathstroke and anything I've done before is Black Panther, where we're kind of using the same sort of structure. With Black Panther we were using these title cards to break up the scenes and I did that deliberately to evoke that sort of Black Panther sort of storytelling. And the fact that he's really smart.

But unlike Black Panther, he is a bad guy and an unapologetically bad guy who runs around and kills people. So it really doesn't mirror anything that I've done before.

Part of my goal though was to reclaim ground -- and I mean this with all due respect to writers who have come before me, but to reclaim some ground for Deathstroke that Deadpool had taken from him. Because Deadpool is the echo of Deathstorke, not the other way around. And we don't want Deathstroke to look like he's some kind of ripoff of Deadpool but Deadpool is huge now. He's huger than huge. I don't even work for Marvel and let's just say Deadpool's been very nice to me lately.

So I definitely had a conscious goal to reassert Deathstroke as his own man, as his own character in a unique way. He's not at all funny. There's humor in the book but Deathstroke himself is not. He has no sense of humor, and it is nothing at all like Deadpool.

Hopefully, we'll kind of reset him back to being a top tier character in his own right.

I always feel like he became the anti-Batman for a while; "He can do anything." "Why?" "He's Deathstroke!" Is it difficult as a writer to fully realize somebody like that?

That's very ironic because that's what I'm running around enforcing everywhere I can at DC, that Deathstroke is the anti-Batman.

We've slimmed him down, we've taken away most of the hardware. He will still wear the bandolier and all the guns and stuff when he needs to. I thought it was dumb for him to be wearing this big, clanking bandolier when he's not even carrying a machine gun. So you will see that, but only when it actually makes sense for him to dress like that.

He's an assassin, so I wanted him to look like an assassin. Assassins are quiet, dude! They sneak up on you. They step out of the shadows, slit your throat and then vanish. That's what an assassin does. And over the years, he'd become so broad, where he's fighting whole armies and Darkseid and he's got a flaming sword fighting demons, and I just went, "Guys, with all due respect, I don't want to write that." I want to write something that's a more human character that's closer to something that Denny O'Neil would write.

Denny O'Neil is one of my mentors; he taught me how to write. I was a fan of his for 20 years before I met him. I bow to the Denny O'Neil school of writing. What he did with Green Lantern/Green Arrow was a character study over the conceits of those characters being superheroes. So we're doing a very character-driven, very strong, character-driven series and we're kind of scaling him back down, containing him more, into something that I think works better and is more faithful to what Marv had in mind in the first place.

Is he going to be a big part of the DC Universe, or is it mostly a Punisher-style thing where he's not necessarily dealing directly with them?

Well, he clashes with Batman in issue 5 and he has a knock-down, drag-out with Superman in issue 8. How much other people will use him is obviously up to DC and other people.

I think the main concern I have is that I don't want Deathstroke to be the go-to guy when you need a villain, so it becomes Deathstroke versus Mighty Mouse and Mighty Mouse kicks his ass. No, he's Deathstroke!

So I told my editors about it and I said, "Look, you've got to be careful and you've got to tell your editor pals that you've got to be careful who you put up against Deathstroke because Deathstroke is a killer. He doesn't just knock you out and go, "I won that fight." You have to be careful who you put in front of him because if Deathstroke doesn't kill them, we're violating the character. If Deathstroke is always getting his butt kicked, then we're violating the character. So you've got to stop that. If he's going to fight Robin, that means you're tired of Robin and you want Robin to go away because he's Deathstroke!

He obviously has a relationship with the whole DC community. Does his reputation play into the book in a big way? Does everyone know who he is and what his deal is?

I think it's characters who are in the business know who he is, but Joe Lunchbox in Mom and Pop America, they have no idea who he is. And part of our storyline for he first year or so of the series is explaining why the superheroes allow Deathstroke to walk around.

I had to get that done because otherwise this series has no credibility. Why is this guy still around? Why aren't you spending every waking moment tracking down Deathstroke? So we answer that question. And part of it is that he's very good at what he does in terms of not getting caught. Part of it is that first you have to prove in court that Deathstroke and Slade Wilson are one in the same, and that's really hard to do. Third, he has a cadre of lawyers that can get him out of anything.


With Vigilante and some other characters being re-established who were introduced around the same time as Deathstroke, are there any other DC characters you really hope to use?

I think I'd have to say we'll see. Right now my main focus for the first year is re-establish his community. Over the years, they've whacked out every member of his family, sometimes twice, three times. Really establish his core, his status quo, and then stand him up to Batman, stand him up to Superman, help define who Deathstroke is between those two extremes. By standing him up next to Batman we define him this way, by standing him up next to Superman, we define him that way. We're really not that focused on guest star of the week or whatever, we're just trying to get his world together.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Revisiting Spring Solicitations

I've been spending the evening filling some gaps in the various appearances pages and I noticed something that I thought was worth displaying.

When the March 2016 solicitations were revealed, Deathstroke's appearance in Green Arrow #50 was rather obvious, based on the cover (seen at right). He was scheduled to appear in the following issue as well.

The solicitation text mentions that two covers would be available for that book, however, and I failed to follow up for the other one.  I came across it while preparing to add Deathstroke's Green Arrow guest appearances to the "Vol. 3 ('14-'16)" page and now I regret not looking for it at the time because it's rather cool. It is displayed below.

And that something? Credit to Patrick Zircher.

Edit: I now believe the original cover was never used. The second cover should have been a Batman V Superman variant. Not sure why the change was deemed necessary.

It turns out that Deathstroke appeared in the last three issues (50-52) of Green Arrow prior to that title coming to an end due to Rebirth. The solicitation for 52 had not been included here so here it is below, even though the book came out in May.
Green Arrow is dead. Deathstroke has won, and now he's returning to the states to deliver Dr. Miracle to the man known as Blood Bag.

And in Seattle, the war between the Berserkers and the Patriots has led to the Wargs being rounded up and sent to internment camps—which sparks an uprising among the Wargs!
Green Arrow has become quite the rival for Slade so I look forward to getting my hands on those books.

On the flip side, the Sinestro series was deliberately ignored.

Deathstroke is said to appear in issues 17 through 21 and even shows up in the background on the cover to #19.

But a look at the preview material gives the impression that the appearance is limited to an occasional single panel or group shot and that Slade is not involved in the main story to any significant degree. He seems randomly thrown in.

Too bad. I had visions of a temporary "Sinestro Corp Deathstroke" causing misery (and fear, naturally) throughout that storyline but evidently that's not the case.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Rebirth Preview Art

Deathstroke's turn at Rebirth, before his twice-a-month book begins, does not hit shelves until August 10th but Comic Book Resources treats us to a couple of preview images, one of which is copied below.

Damn, that is sharp.  Jason Paz and Carlo Pagulayan did the honours.

I wasn't sure whether I liked the character's redesign upon first laying eyes on it, but seeing it "in action" like this, I am much more optimistic. I don't have the Rob Liefeld obsession with pouches but Deathstroke should be a walking arsenal, in my opinion. Pouches, holsters, scabards, etc, belong on his suit.

This book can't come out fast enough.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

That Time Deathstroke Slapped Some X-Men Around

The recent post featuring a mock cover for a Deathstroke/Spider-Man book reminded me of one of his earlier appearances and how stoked I was to see him appear in the book. 35 years ago.

Looking back, it's impressive that Deathstroke's would be included in a book which teamed The Teen Titans and The X-Men. From now-faded memory, I thought he'd already begun building his name by that point, but looking into it further in "real time" it was actually only his fourth appearance. He wasn't featured prominently, mind you, but he was rubbing elbows with Darkseid and Dark Pheonix. Rather good villainous company.

He was not shown on the cover...

...but he wasted little time in delivering some badassery within.

Nice. We don't really see Deathstroke's fondness for the finer things anymore. Hope Christopher Priest brings back that little character tag in Rebirth.

Now it's one thing for Slade to run up against other DC heroes and basically embarrass them.

But there was no way he'd be "allowed" to do that to Marvel characters.

Gad, I hate Wolverine so much...But at least writer Chris Claremont tried to be fair. He had Deathstroke return the favour a few pages later.

On the one hand, Deathstroke made Colossus look stupid...

...But later gets caught off guard by Cyclops.

Deathstroke did not play a huge role in his book, but his every appearance is cool. With perhaps the Cyclops blast as an exception, even when he "loses", he gets built up. He underestimates Wolverine when they first meet and misses his swing but Claremont writes it in such a way that to Deathstroke, not landing a blow is inconceivable. He takes Robin out with one kick.

It was only his fourth appearance, but he was portrayed as a credible threat among some major heavy hitters, good and bad. Yet he would not appear again for about 18 months, in New Teen Titans #34, as the Judas Contract storyline was beginning to be built up.

Uncanny X-Men/New Teen Titans was reprinted in 1995 and included in a "Crossover Classics" book in 1991.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Deathstroke October 2016 Soliciations

The cover displayed between the two solicitations is for issue #5. I think it's hilarious! Unfortunately, I can't seem to locate the one for #4. I suspect that's by design so as to avoid spoilers.
(W) Priest (A) Joe Bennett, Mark Morales (CA) Aco (CA) Shane Davis 
“The Professional” part four! After an attempt on The Ravager’s life, Slade Wilson and his daughter head to Gotham City in an attempt to track down Rose’s would-be assassin. 
In Shops: Oct 12, 2016
SRP: $2.99 
(W) Priest (A) Joe Bennett, Mark Morales (CA) Aco (CA) Shane Davis 
“The Professional” part five! After Slade kidnaps Damian and leaves Rose in the care of Batman, the World’s Greatest Assassin and the World’s Greatest Detective trade partners in a battle of wills! 
In Shops: Oct 26, 2016
SRP: $2.99
Loving this twice-a-month schedule. I don't know if the plan is to maintain it "permanently" or if it's a temporary plan, but I'll enjoy it as long as I can. Hopefully sales justify the strategy for DC.

The downside so far is that there doesn't appear to be any guest-appearances in other books scheduled any time soon while the "rebirthed" universe settles in.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues, Deathstroke label

"The Greatest Team-Ups That Never Happened...But Should Have!"

Ross Pearsall has been displaying mock covers for team-up books combining characters from not only the DC and Marvel stables, but also a number of independent publishers, since 2010. If you're any kind of comics fan, they are a blast to browse.  And of course, photogenic bastard that he is, Slade Wilson has made a few appearances over the years. Here's one notable one below.

A recent appearance by Deathstroke inspired me to direct folks to Ross' blog, but because it showed  'stroke getting beat by a scrub like Taskmaster, I refuse to display that specific image here. ;-)

You can check it out for yourself, and the other times that Deathstroke has been features, here. Warning: Content may be addictive.