Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Slade Wilson Has Only One Eye And It Changes Colour!

While filling out the guest-appearances page some more, I stumbled into another cover used in solicitation material that was later modified.

I don't know specifically what threw it off course, but about halfway through the The Team 7 series from 2012, what was delivered varied greatly from what was advertised. Come to think of it, the Deathstroke book at the time (volume two) and the other series in which he was appearing, The Ravagers, were also apparently disrupted greatly. All the books were lightly connected at the time so probably several changes were dictated in one book and those caused ripples in the others.

In any event, here's the cover that was used for issue six, with solicitation text below.

In a tale from the recent past, Team 7 is on a mission to rescue Caitlin Fairchild when a team member dies. Meanwhile, in the present day, Deathstroke hunts down his former Team 7 partners.
If my memory is sound, that is actually fairly close to that issue's content.  And the text hasn't changed much from what was originally promoted in February 2013. So little, in fact, that I won't even bother to copy it.

But the cover went through some significant alterations. This was the one displayed prior to its release.

Most of the changes make sense. The "final" version is more focused and arguably more eye-catching.

I personally prefer the colouring on the early version with one exception; Slade Wilson has blue eyes (well...one...) so either someone did his/her research or an attempt to make the newer cover more attractive coincidentally made it more accurate as well.

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