Slade's been under the weather since his encounter with Batman some time earlier (the City of Assassins storyline). He was being drugged during an interrogation and the serum reacted badly with his modified biology from the experiments that gave him his enhancements years earlier. He's on the run from the law (more on that later) and prone to weakness and fainting spells.
In the midst of passing out while looking for an escape route through the sewers, Slade seems to randomly tell Wintergreen about an adventure from several years past. While in Cambodia, he had been hired to rescue a "local princess" and bring her to Thailand.
Of course, it all went to pot, but Slade Wilson being the player that he is, it didn't prevent him from engaging in a little jungle lovin'.
Lili had since set up shop in New York and that was where 'stroke was headed to hide. Wintergreen and some now long-forgotten sewer-dwelling buds helped him get over to Lili's entirely different type of sweat shop. And there, Wintergreen connects a few dots when he lays eyes on Lili's daughter.
I still, to this day, wonder how anyone could think that Deathstroke's daughter would have "naturally white" hair. It was established long before (by the same writer, no less, Marv Wolfman) that Slade Wilson had blond hair when he was younger. I'm going gray too, doesn't mean that if I have a kid now he or she will have "naturally gray" hair. Did she risk being born with a goatee, too? I know you wanted to seed a mystery there, but come on, Marv!
Anyway, for all the questions that the above page raised, she wouldn't be seen again for quite some time but would eventually take on the Ravager name and join the Titans.
DC new 52 reboot from late 2011 muddled her history quite a bit, changed her appearance and at least to this point made her far less likable, in my opinion. At one point in Deathstroke's book that resulted from that reboot (the 20-issue second volume) she refers to Adeline Wilson, Deathstroke's ex-wife, as her mother, essentially erasing all of the above background material. There are other signs that volume two is basically being ignored going forward, which totally defeats the purpose of the relaunch in the first place.
I'll still be keeping an eye on her though. I understand that she appears in the current Deathstroke book (which I'm waiting to read in trade paperback format) and I believe some of the details will be laid out then. Hope so, but I admit that while I was open to a New 52 when it took place, I miss the "old" Rose Wilson.